We support children and families by providing a quality pre-school education in a nurturing Christian environment. Our curriculum is based on the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (Belonging, Being and Becoming) with material also drawn from the Christian Studies Curriculum Framework.
Early Years Learning Framework
The Early Years Learning Framework has a vision for all children to experience play-based learning that is engaging and builds success for later life. It views childhood as a time of belonging, being and becoming.
Belonging: Children develop a sense of belonging to different groups. These include their family, community, culture and kindy. Positive relationships are central to belonging.
Being: Childhood is a special and important time. Children need time to just ‘be’ – time to play, explore, wonder, try new things, make sense of their world, meet challenges and have fun.
Becoming: Children’s identities, knowledge, understandings, abilities, skills and relationships change during childhood. The learning and growth during this time shapes the adults they will become in the future.
Christian Content:
The Christian Studies Curriculum embraces studies of Christian Beliefs, Christian Church, Christian Living and Christianity in the World. It is taught in Lutheran preschools and schools through to year 12. Children hear Bible stories and participate in discussions, songs and prayer. Christian content is integrated across the program, with Christian songs and activities set up related to Bible stories and concepts.